I'm taking the GRE exam tomorrow...for the second time, and I had to wonder to myself -- Why does one test have the power to overshadow my 5 years of engineering education??? Is it fair to say that if I don't perform well on the GRE (verbal, quantitative, analytical writing), that I won't perform well in an ENGINEERING curriculum after performing extremely well in my ENGINEERING classes? I certainly don't think so. To qualify for entrance into an engineering Ph.D program, you are required to take an entrance exam. So you take the GRE II right?? NOT! You take an exam that actually focuses on material that you've learned throughout your engineering curriculum. Why not do that for entrance into the graduate program itself? Maybe I have all these questions because I'm bitter about taking the exam twice... Either way, I refuse to let a 3hr exam rain on my FIVE years of engineering coursework and experience. GRE...lets' GO!!!
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